Future4Steel and Career Day: two days with talented students

by | Nov 29, 2022 | News

Two beautiful days full of interesting meetings with highly skilled young people.

Last week we took part in the Career Day of the Catholic University in Cremona, explaining to students of the course “Innovation and digital entrepreneurship” the skills and profiles required by companies like Duferco Travi e Profilati. This kind of meetings could help them to and nurture their talent, to be better places once in the industry.

Yesterday we took part to the kickoff event of Future4Steel, the IFTS project by ITS Lombardia Meccatronica that we promote together with Acciaierie Venete, Asonext and Feralpi Group, in collaboration with Randstad. During the event we met the 20 young people selected for the apprenticeship program of 400 hours of lessons and 400 hours of training on the job. After completing the education, the students will receive a degree as “Setup and maintenance of civil and industrial plant Expert”

As Massimo Rolandi explains:

This is an opportunity both for the young talented people and for the companies that hire them. The former can improve their skills and invest in their future in local companies, the latter can indeed start building their future with the help of the next generations and the contribution of the new resources.